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rebirth // 004

From the ashes of pain and loneliness, she rose slowly. Was her sight clearer? The blurred view slowly grew clearer by the second. Was there sensation on her skin? The warm wind gently caressed her frail body. Was there still a heart inside her hollow chest? She could barely hear its faint beat.

How could she have possibly survived such a terrible, terrible fate. Her first heart was given to the one she never truly loved. Yet, the betrayal and the companionship was enough to shatter her unblemished heart. Then forth, she made truly horrible choices that not only hurt others but pushed her further away from the thought of finding another love. To list all the hearts she toyed along the way was too much of a cruel reminder.

The second time, which she then prayed was the last, broke her heart in ways she never thought possible. It cannot be denied that she had her fair share of wrongs, but it did not merit her the words "I do not love you anymore". It was so easy to slip back to the days where she did not care of hearts and kisses, where feelings were disposable and temporary.

It was different this time.

And this time, she prays it will not be a mistake. To give second chances was a scary thought. A back and forth of things to consider. What made her decision was that she knew.

She knew she was better. She rose from the ashes, walked the shattered glass and choked on the first breath of air as she surfaced. She is going to be fine with or without anyone. The moment things are no longer okay. It will be over as soon as it restarted.

Because she is better. It was a rebirth into someone better than she ever thought she could be. And I loved her for that. It was easier to love her.


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