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Showing posts from 2016

story of the boy and the forest // 003

She walked through the woods with her head hanging down limply. It was one heavy step after another, forcing herself to continue even when her legs were shaking. The forest was never truly kind to her. Beautiful, warm and full of promises whenever first light touches. Yet as night approaches, the wind was bitter cold and monsters lurked in the shadows. The forest left her a prey in the night when she was most vulnerable. It may have been days, it may have been years. Time never made sense after the day she came running into the forest. Foolish and looking for shelter. Naive and weak. She could've left easy, and she could've done it a few times before. She could've ran with the wolves, leapt with the deers or swam with the fish. She just couldn't. Deep in her heart, she knew they couldn't save her. So she walked on her own and she walked away from the darkness. Tired. Alone. Yes, she was always so alone. Looking up felt useless and looking in front only to see no

story of maggots // 002

She buried them deep, but not deep enough for her to simply forget. It was well hidden from others but it was shallow enough for her to dig up easily. Many times people came over and many times she wanted to tell them. To show them her own box. A Pandora's box of gritty darkness, confusion, pain, and longing. It was the fear of judgment that got the better of her. It was the fear that they would no longer look at her the same that stopped. Maybe that's why her relationships felt flimsy, felt fake and it was difficult for her to connect truly. It was raw, yet not too recent of a wound. But it didn't heal. She could almost feel the maggot underneath, festering and thriving. Ugly. She was so ugly. She never stopped feeling ugly. She never stopped feeling unworthy.

Story of Her // 001

I saw her today, and she was a mesmerizing brand of magic. She shone whenever light hit her, and glimmered in softness and grace. As the light dances and plays with her hair, the gentle shine and warmth of a halo covers her figure. It was in the way she moved that eyes loved to follow her, watching her send their hearts falling and falling. But no one knew of the monsters and darkness she gave birth inside of her. The burden that hit like a comet, blinding and destructive. Whilst her eyes were as beautiful in the pure essence of the word, she could not see what was in front of her. There was no mirror that showed her promises of a better time and of  better place. Diminished, exhausted, and haunted by demons she could not see and yet she tries to smile each and every time. I can almost taste the spirit of her smile slowly disappearing to oblivion as she thought of the prevalence of complete misery cripple her. And with her every laugh, it drains the entirety of her. It was a gr